What does TMJ stand for?
To understand TMJ disorder, we must first understand
what TMJ stands for ( temporomandibular joint )
It connects your jaw to the skull at the side.
When functioning properly, you can chew, speak, yawn,
sing, laugh, and smile.
What is TMJ disorder?
It may be difficult to determine what the exact cause
of TMJ disorder. A persons pain may be a result of
jaw injury, arthritis, genetics, or a combination
of these.
Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:
✔️ Difficulty chewing
✔️ Joint lock - Creates difficulty for opening and closing the mouth
✔️ Pain ache around the ear
✔️ Jaw pain or tenderness
✔️ Aching facial pain
✔️ Pain spreading from face to neck
✔️ Clicking sound when chewing or opening mouth
✔️ Clenching and grinding teeth ( This can happen even without
✔️ TMJ disorder. Bruxsim can be the culprit )
Make sure to see a dentist if your child experiences
these symptoms.
We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ,
Dover NJ, and the surrounding communities.
We offer comprehensive oral health
services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment.
We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment
to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
Paterson (973) 742-4200
Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
Union City (201) 325-8444
Dover (973) 891-4015
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